MTCC Photography Contest 2017

The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) in collaboration with PCP Publications is organizing the inaugural MTCC Photography Contest as an initiative to raise awareness on the invaluable benefits of our tropical forest as well as to promote the importance of sustainable forest management through forest certification.

The photography contest consists of three (3) categories:-

A)          People & Forest

To capture images of people involved in the field of forestry responsible for the sustainable management and well-being of Malaysia’s forest resources. This category would include people at work such as foresters, forest rangers, forest researchers, and auditors. In addition it could also include the indigenous people who have been living in or at the vicinity of the forest and have a long tradition in caring for the forest. The image could also portray people at work utilizing modern technologies for managing and conserving Malaysia’s forest resources.

B)          Forest & Forest Landscape

To capture the beauty of the forest and forest landscape in Malaysia.  At the forest level, the images could include pictures of forest showcasing its natural beauty, diversity and uniqueness in form and structure. At the landscape level, images could include pictures on the geological or climatological features and natural environment of the Malaysian forest.

C)          Forest & Animals

Malaysian forests are home to a huge number of animal species. You are invited to submit  potraits and behaviour  of animals in the wild. The images obtained shall be under natural conditions and in an ethical manner that places the welfare of the wildlife above the photographer’s desire to obtain an image.

To participate, kindly download contest details from the links below :

a) Contest form

b) Rules and Regulations

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