The Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC) is the National Governing Body (NGB) for the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS), a voluntary, PEFC endorsed scheme that promotes the implementation of sustainable forest management (SFM) in Malaysia. MTCC oversees all aspects of the scheme, particularly in the development and review of certification standards.

The MTCS scheme comprises two components, forest management certification and chain of custody certification. Forest management certification involves independent assessment of forest management practices implemented in a certain Forest Management Unit (FMU) to ensure that they meet the requirements of the prescribed SFM standard. Chain of custody certification entails the audit of timber product manufacturers or exporters to ascertain that the timber products they manufactured or exported are sourced from sustainably managed forests.

The process of forest management and chain of custody certifications involves four independent entities that work within the Institutional Arrangement of MTCS, as illustrated below:

The process of forest management and chain of custody certifications involves four independent entities that work within the Institutional Arrangement of MTCS, as illustrated below:

Institutional Arrangement of MTCS

The Two-Step Way to File a Complaint, Dispute or an Enquiry

In the implementation of the various processes under the MTCS, misunderstanding, dissatisfaction or disagreement may arise, resulting in conflicts or disputes and the need to submit feedback or complaints. While constructive engagement amongst the concerned parties is always preferred, mechanisms are in place to address any issue that may arise.

When it comes to submitting an enquiry or filing a complaint or dispute with regard to any parts in the MTCS such as in standard development, the conduct of an audit or decision in granting certification, a clear understanding on the respective roles and responsibilities of the independent entities is important to help you reach the appropriate responsible entity.

Step 1 – Identify the nature of the complaint or dispute in relation to the various processes under the MTCS.

The following basic information on the roles and responsibilities of the independent entities involved in the implementation of the MTCS will help you determine which entity to submit your enquiry, feedback, complaint or dispute:

When it comes to submitting an enquiry or filing a complaint or dispute with regard to any parts in the MTCS such as in standard development, the conduct of an audit or decision in granting certification, a clear understanding on the respective roles and responsibilities of the independent entities is important to help you reach the appropriate responsible entity.

  1. The National Governing Body (NGB) – MTCC:
    • Develops and reviews certification standards and oversees the overall implementation of the MTCS.
    • Processes applications from accredited Certification Bodies (CBs) to become PEFC notified CBs.
    • Grants logo usage license on the use of MTCS/PEFC logo by certified organisations.

Example of complaint: Dissatisfaction over the conduct of standards review process and its decision or misuse of PEFC logo by any party.

  1. National Accreditation Body (AB) – STANDARDS MALAYSIA:
    • Grants accreditation to CBs.
    • Monitors the conduct of audit by CB.

Example of complaint: Dispute on the accreditation decision by AB over qualification of CB.

  1. Accredited CBs – Auditing Companies:
    • Receive and process applications for certification
    • Conduct audits and make decisions to grant, suspend or withdraw MTCC/PEFC certificates

Example of complaint: Disagreement on the certification decision or the conduct of audit by auditors.

  1. Certified Organisations – FMUs, Timber Companies, Sawmills, Plywood Mills, etc:
    • Manage and ensure that their activities and practices are in compliance with the MTCS standard and requirements.

Example of complaint: Dissatisfaction over any particular management practices conducted by  a certified organisations or its personnel. Such complaint shall be copied to the CB that had granted certification to the certified organisation.

Step 2 – Submit a Formal, Written Complaint/Dispute/Enquiry

Each of the four independent entities has its own complaint/dispute resolution mechanism to address any issues relating to its role in the MTCS. Please write a formal complaint/dispute/enquiry and send it directly to the appropriate organisation as illustrated below:

Enquiry / Complaint


FMUs, Timber Companies, Sawmills, Plywood Mills, etc.

Forest Management:

Chain of Custody:

Scope of Responsibilities:
Implementation of Forest Management / Chain of Custody

Accredited Certification Bodies

Auditing Companies

Scope of Responsibilities:
Applications for Certification / Auditing

National Governing Body


Scope of Responsibilities:
Implementation / Review of the MTCS

National Accreditation Body


Scope of Responsibilities:
Accreditation of the CBs

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